Government of Jamaica

Mr. Stephen Edwards


Mr. Stephen Edwards is the Managing Director of the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited (NROCC). He is a Civil Engineer and a former Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing at the University of Technology (UTECH) in Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. Edwards provides leadership for a team of professionals from a wide range of disciplines, including engineering, environmental management, technical services, estate management, and finance, among others. In addition to his experience in the private sector through teaching and construction management, his public sector service includes senior roles at the Housing Agency of Jamaica (HAJ) and the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo). While at TPDCo, he served as Director of Projects, Deputy Executive Director, and Head of Agency. 

Additionally, Mr. Edwards is a graduate of Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida, where he earned a Master of Science degree in Construction Management. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Boston College (BC) and a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from FIU, where he was inducted into the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honour Society, the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honour Society, and the Golden Key Honour Society. He is also a member of the Jamaica Institution of Engineers (JIE). 

Mr. Edwards has a strong passion for service to others, a trait he credits to his high school, St. George's College. While teaching at Holy Trinity High, he established “The Write Path Jamaica” charity, which sources school supplies for students from low-income families. One of Mr. Edwards' core beliefs is that education is the best vehicle to create equal opportunity for all persons. 

He is Chairperson of the Technical Committee of the NHT Board of Directors. 

More Board Directors

Ms. Hope Wint
Mr. Martin Miller - Managing DirectorMr. Martin Miller
Mr. Martin Miller
Managing Director